Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Love, Bridal Shops, and the Internet: How to Make Your Wedding Viral

Every great wedding is worth sharing over and over. They help bring out people’s nostalgic, tender, and romantic side, after all. When one great moment at a wedding is captured, you can almost always expect it to go viral, instantly. A viral wedding picture that could melt your heart Last May, A North Carolina photographer shared a moving photo of a couple during a wedding he was covering. The photo shows the groom, U.S. Corporal Caleb Earwood, holding his fiancĂ© Maggie’s hand and praying before their wedding ceremony. To follow tradition, they didn’t want to see each other until the ceremony, so their family members brought them together in a corner, with Caleb standing at a staircase and Maggie leaning up against a wall to avoid eye contact.